Educational Coaching
Our private educational coaching program is the foundation of Linder EC. Working one-on-one with students, private educational coaching allows a focus on both skill set development and executive functioning issues. This service is the most customizable to the needs of the student and the goals of the family.
We work with students that vary from extremely motivated but with severe learning disabilities to high IQ yet detached from school. Some families are able to be very positively involved between our sessions, while others have the main goal of of working with us to be enjoying the evenings without having to ask about school, which is all too often a source of conflict.
Our educational coaching has a wide range of services, and families often use private coaching in conjunction with The Hub or other services. The best way to know what would make sense for your family is to call and schedule an intake to discuss your child’s history and academic needs.
Executive Functioning
Focuses on time management, organization, planning/prioritizing, goal directed persistence, sustained attention, and other executive skills.
Sessions include helping students and families create a daily system in the house and in school.
We help students go through all upcoming assignments, complete their planner, craft to-do lists, strategize and create study plans, make weekly time estimates, etc.
Go through recent grades and address what has gone well, if there are any missing assignments, and if there are any red flags. Create plans for each situation.
Help students set goals, make plans, track achievements, and develop meta-cognition.
For our clients diagnosed with learning disabilities or developmental/academic deficits, we offer evidence-based interventions, including:
Literacy Development and Remediation
Math Skills
Writing Development and Remediation
Behavioral Interventions in Partnership with Parents
Anxiety and Depression interventions targeting school
Skill Sets
Varies greatly by the child’s needs, but can include:
Study skills
Subject tutoring
Addressing weaknesses due to learning disabilities
Writing development
Active Reading Strategies
Enrichment across content areas