Kristin COVID update 3/20
Hi all,
OK, this is my last mass email in this series, and if you want further communication from us, see steps to take below.
I hope you are all faring well. It has been wonderful to connect with my students and families this week.
1. Future Communication:
If you want to continue receiving our messages and, in the future, our monthly newsletters, please make sure to join our mailing list. You can do this via the homepage of our website or directly subscribing.
Like us on Facebook for announcements and links to articles Kristin finds helpful.
We have swapped over to a Google Suite for the business, so our future emails are: , , , , , and . Please update your address books.
2. Virtual Education:
We have used this week to help our students adjust to life at home, make sure quarter three materials were all in by today's closing day, and ascertain expectations from teachers over the coming weeks.
Arlington is now stating that classes will be virtual beginning this coming Monday, March 23. Due to the last minute organization, I see some teachers offering actual online classes a student needs to attend virtually, some offering limited "help sessions" only for students struggling with daily assignments, and some only offering student led online tasks. Many classes have assigned sizable projects that will be do the second or third day upon return.
This week I have met with many clients virtually, and my biggest concern remains math. Even my top students are struggling to learn from the online resources their teachers are posting, and it is taking me about an hour of tutoring to get them through one to two days of material and assignments online.
Given that we have so many students with similar needs of understanding the content, I am offering small group online classes for the major math courses and AP histories. See the first set of options and sign up here. I hope this will allow all students to access needed instruction despite my time for private sessions being limited. If you would like a class added, please let me know. Feel free to share with your child's classmates, as we will need a minimum of 3 children to launch a class.
We are also offering some virtual workshops, including a free Facebook live event this coming Monday, March 23, to open a dialogue with me about how to set priorities around education (and when to just let the kids be kids!). Visit the website to learn more and sign up, and make sure you like us on Facebook.
3. Life
I hope everyone is surviving at home, and I know how hard it is to balance childcare and work demands. Remember to give yourself a break. None of us are perfect parents, and very few of us are professional educators. Try not to be intimidated by what other parents might be posting on social media in regard to their daily structure, and instead realize that's what is right is what is right for your family. Let the kids sleep in, allow some video games with friends without guilt, and try to laugh at dinner. You have each other, and the rest will sort itself out. While education is important, it is not the most important thing right now. What is most important is that your child feels loved and safe. If we can help add some education on top of that, great, but if finances or time prevents that, do not fret. Let me know how we can help, and I will make it happen.
Thank you all, again, for being our clients and friends. I miss all my kids and hearing the laughter in the office, but am doing my best to entertain my two boys while swapping the company to virtual options and communicate clearly with you all.